Our congregation is made up of a variety of people. With that variety come a variety of needs. 

Some of you need a hand, or at least a railing, to hold onto as you enter the building. Others of you have difficulty hearing if our mics aren't turned up to just the right level. Some of you have young children who can’t be expected to stay quiet at all times and you need an extra pair of hands or simply a warm smile assuring you that your child being a child is ok. 

Some of you often come with heavy hearts and need a hug of comfort and a listening ear. Some of you are dealing with chronic illnesses that none of us can see and you need us to not jump to conclusions as to why you always seem tired or why you’re sometimes absent. Some of you need a genuine conversation after a week of limited connection with other people. Some of you need to know you matter. 

Whatever your needs as you worship here, I hope you'll never feel dismissed or ignored. 

A special note for parents: if you need to step out with your child to help calm their cries or give them a few minutes to run off some energy, I hope you’ll return. But I get it—this early phase can be tough especially if 11am is usually nap time and because young children are simply not used to being still for more than a few minutes. I hope you don’t get discouraged. Make use of the back room, outside, or even my office as much as you need and return when you’re ready. 

It's my prayer that each of you worshipping with us will both experience and share the love of Jesus during our time together and that you’ll leave here full of his peace. I believe it’s possible and I hope you do, too. 

Happy Sabbath,
Pastor Michaela Lawrence Jeffery